Human rights download iran 2017

World report 2017 summarizes key human rights issues in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide. Irans abysmal human rights record before the subcommittees on africa, global health, global human rights, june 19, 2014. For many of those executions, the government did not release further information, such as names, execution dates, or crimes for which they were executed. The report sets out the number of executions in 2017, the trend compared to previous years, charges.

Mde 6446 2017 the iranian authorities are intensifying their crackdown against human rights defenders, who have already been working under suffocating levels of repression. In 2017, the iranian authorities executed 31 people in public spaces. Jan 09, 2018 human rights activists in iran have raised concerns about mass arrests during the countrys largest protests in nearly a decade after at least three demonstrators died in a notorious tehran jail. Jun 14, 2010 iran and human rights june 14, 2010, spencer irvine, leave a comment the human rights violations and overall human rights conditions in iran have greatly deteriorated, guest panelists in the heritage foundation forum, human rights under attack.

Still, tehrans human rights violations need to be addressed. Human rights organizations reported that authorities also used denial of medical care as a form of punishment for prisoners. We debate press freedoms and the number of executions in the country. On november 25 and 26, the human rights activists news agency hrana, an independent iranian human rights news website. Human rights in the islamic republic of iran wikipedia. The 2017 cbc massey lectures in search of a better world. Overview of the situation of human rights in the islamic republic of iran a. Jul 27, 2017 placement of telegram cdns in iran requires increased transparency june 27, 2017in light of the decision by the messaging application telegram to use closed content delivery networks cdns caching servers that allow faster delivery of multimedia datain iran, the center for human rights in iran chri urges the company to ensure that the islamic republic does not use the new service.

Irans human rights violations continues to escalate the. It is the first phase of a project that seeks to provide an understanding about the root causes for systematic persecution of human rights defenders, journalists, lawyers and others who have called for reform. The present report on the iranian human rights defenders in 2018, is the first report about the condition of human rights defenders that will be published annually by iran human rights ihr organization. This statistic analysis report presented by hrai is the result of the daily efforts of this organization. Download annual report on the death penalty in iran 2017. In 2016 alone, iran may have executed more than 400 people second only to china, according to human rights groups.

The state crackdown that crushed the protests that erupted. The international campaign for human rights in iran ichri reported. The state of human rights in iran has been criticized both by iranians and international human rights activists, writers, and ngos since long before the formation of the current state of iran. Iranian human rights defender atena daemi has been on hunger strike in tehrans evin prison since 8 april. Apr 23, 2018 the islamic republic of iran is a theocratic republic with a shia islamic political system based on velayate faqih guardianship of the jurist or rule by the jurisprudent. We bring these violations to the attention of the international. Caught in a web of repression human rights organization.

In july 2017, parliament approved amendments to the law to combat drugs. Identifying information for the individuals and entity listed in the annex to this notice has been amended. Since the report of the secretarygeneral to the thirtyfourth session of the human rights council ahrc3440, the situation of human rights has been marked by a crackdown against human rights defenders, journalists and users of social media in the lead up to the presidential elections. Hrna this leaflet contains the 2017 s analytical and statistical annual report on the human rights in iran, prepared by the department of statistics and publications of human rights activists in iran hrai. Hrana news agency the department of statistics and publications of the human rights activists association of iran has published the following monthly report on the human rights situation in iran during the period of mayjune, 2017 persian calendar month of khordad, 96. The first part of the paper deals with iran human rights policy from the lens of.

The center for human rights in iran chri is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights in iran. This issue provides direct support for the iranian. From january to june, jahangir transmitted 21 communications to iran s government on behalf of. Joint ngo letter in support of 2017 unga resolution.

The following map illustrates the number of reports per province made by the human rights organizations and news agencies around the country, this is a direct. On march 9, 2017, the national council of resistance of iran ncris human rights center released its latest bulletin on the condition of human rights in iran. Mde 7409 2017 ahead of the consideration of resolution ac. The amnesty international report 2016 2017 was recently released, focusing on the state of the worlds human rights. Iran amnesty international usa human rights organization. Human rights watch release its 2017 report, detailing iran. A call to action for our times, payam akhavans 2017 cbc massey lectures, in search of a better world. She is protesting the suspended prison sentences imposed on two of her sisters, hanieh and ensieh, for insulting public officers on duty.

On 9 february 2010, the european union and united states issued a joint statement condemning continuing human rights violations in iran. Despite three years in his office, president hassan rouhani has not delivered on his campaign promise of greater respect for civil and political rights. Iran was included in the report and the findings demonstrate the oppressive regime that the iranian people are living under. The situation in iran is reaching a critical point, as the iranian people grow weary of the oppression from the regime. The ngo iran human rights documentation center ihrdc reported there were 215 executions as of midnovember, while the government officially announced only 73 executions in that time period. In march the center for human rights in iran chri reported that authorities had denied medical care to jamaloddin khanjani and behrouz tavakkoli, two of the bahai leaders imprisoned since 2008. Ncri human rights center weekly bulletin october 23, 2017.

Hadi ghaemi is the executive director as of april 2019. Foreword on april 20 local time, the state department of the united states released its country reports on human rights practices for 2017, posing once again as the guardian of human rights and a selfstyled human rights judge. Iran, plagued with poverty and drought, iran human rights. The 10th annual report on the death penalty by iran human rights ihr provides an assessment and analysis of the death penalty trends in 2017 in the islamic republic of iran. There is a correlation between the increasing rate of human rights violations and the rule of moderates in iran s presidential office. Therights of third generation or unity rights do not talk about human. Amnesty international has been documenting and campaigning around serious human rights violations in iran including detention of human rights defenders and other prisoners of conscience, unfair trials, torture and mistreatment in detention, deaths in custody and the application of the death penalty. Telegrams efforts to increase download speed in iran. May, 2017 iran has recently witnessed a record number of executions. Nov 07, 2017 amnesty international, 7 november 2017 ahead of the consideration of resolution ac. Iran united states commission on international religious. Approximately 79% of all executions included in the 2017 report, i.

Numerous human rights organizations, including the center for human rights in iran chri, reported on allegations that in late 2018 intelligence ministry agents tortured esmail bakhshi, a labor activist and leading representative of haft tappeh sugarcane company workers in khuzestan province, and sepideh gholian, a journalist and human rights. Amnesty international sent a letter to the head of the judiciary on 21 june 2017. Refworld human rights and democracy report 2017 iran. Find out the latest news about iran s may 2017 elections by following chris live updates. This statistic analysis report presented by hrai is. Iran s representative, kazem gharibabadi, noted that iran was a great democracy, but also indicated that they addressed. Hassan rouhani was reelected as president of iran in may 2017 largely on the basis of his support for human rights and iranians perceptions that he would do more to improve civil and political rights in the country than his rivals. The uk governments main concerns continued to be over frequent use of the death penalty, the right of women to fully participate in society, detentions of dualnationals covered in more detail in the consular section of this report and violations of the right to freedom of expression and of the right to freedom of religion or.

Iran has recently witnessed a record number of executions. The eu and iran worked towards renewing a bilateral human rights dialogue while several human rights defenders served prison sentences imposed for. Since late 2017, several waves of protests have occurred across iran. Monthly report an overview of the human rights situation. Over the years, multiple resolutions have been passed by the united states congress and governments around the world, condemning the iranian government for its continued violation of the international covenants on human rights.

The report listed not only regions, but also individual countries. Iran s human rights record did not significantly improve in first half of 2017, according to report by the u. Rouhani faces pressure to improve human rights in iran reuters. May 11, 2017 the center for human rights in iran chri is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights in iran. The united nations general assembly and the human rights commission have condemned prior and ongoing abuses in iran in published critiques and several resolutions. The clarion project formerly clarion fund is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to educating both policy makers and the public about the growing phenomenon of islamic extremism.

The iranian public is legally incited to violate the human rights of the other. The ipu committee on the human rights of parliamentarians is the only international mechanism with the remit of protecting and defending mps suffering human right violations. Efforts by the international community need to continue to focus attention on these human rights violations and not just focus on how to restrict iran s nuclear capabilities. The organization details the condition of prisoners, human rights defenders, women, minorities, migrants and persons with disability summarizing human rights abuse under the. Situation of human rights in the islamic republic of iran. The group started in late 2007 when several human rights activists working for the dutch nongovernmental organization foundation for human security in the middle east wished to focus on the situation in iran. Human rights situation in iran annual report 2017 4 as indicated in the distribution map, there exists a major difference between tehran, the capital, and other parts of the country in terms of the number of published reports. Charter on citizens rights signed global legal monitor. Iran human rights ihr is a nonprofit, human rights organization with members inside and outside iran.

Essential human rights, and particularly the right to free speech, were under attack in iran in 2016, human rights watch said today in its world report 2017. Human rights watch released its world report 2018, highlighting the iran human rights condition in 2017 human rights watch believes that executions, especially for drugrelated offenses, continued at a high rate in 2017. Telegrams efforts to increase download speed in iran raises. Its purpose is to cover executions, arbitrary arrests, torture and amputation, prisons conditions, women, social, ethnic and religious minorities oppression news in iran and fill the gaps in information and knowledge caused by lack of access and freedom to iran. Remarks on the release of the 2017 country reports on human. Shia clergy, most notably the rahbar supreme jurisprudent or supreme leader, and political leaders vetted by the clergy dominate key power structures. It is the first phase of a project that seeks to provide an understanding about the root causes for systematic persecution of human rights defenders, journalists, lawyers and others who have called for. This global legal monitor article by barry lerner covering constitutional law, discrimination, equal protection, executive powers, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, legislative powers, minority rights, religious minorities, womens rights was published on february 28, 2017 for iran. This section might be more accurately termed the lack of human rights in iran according to the newest state department report on human rights, published in may 20, iran has one of the worlds worst records when it comes to the treatment of its citizens.

Council regulation eu 3592011 the regulation imposing financial sanctions against iran human rights has been amended. Special rapporteur on human rights in iran, asma jahangir. Placement of telegram cdns in iran requires increased transparency june 27, 2017 in light of the decision by the messaging application telegram to use closed content delivery networks cdns caching servers that allow faster delivery of multimedia datain iran, the center for human rights in iran chri urges the company to ensure that the islamic republic does not use the new. Iran executes children in violation of rights law a u.

This statistic analysis report presented by hrai is the result of the daily efforts of t. Irans moderates turn their backs on human rights the. The islamic republic of iran is a theocratic republic with a shia islamic political system based on velayate faqih guardianship of the jurist or rule by the jurisprudent. Ichri is an american nongovernment organization that aims to promote human rights in iran the group started in late 2007 when several human rights activists working for the dutch nongovernmental organization foundation for human security in the middle east wished to focus on the situation. Human rights in the middle east and north africa amnesty. Identifying information for the individuals listed in the annex to this notice has been amended. Whenever iran s moderate party has a president in office, the countrys human rights record deteriorates significantly, majid rafizadeh, a harvardeducated iranian american political scientist, says in his column for arab news. State council information office of the peoples republic of china. Countries that did not witness mass waves of protest in 2011, further intensified their crackdown of human rights. Irans suppression of december 2017 unrest marked by brutal violations of law. Later that year, iran s government announced it would suspend dialogue with the european union concerning human rights in iran. In 2018, human rights watch and the center for human rights in iran documented how people with disabilities face stigma, discrimination, and lack of accessibility when accessing.

Amnesty international iranian human rights defender on. The clarion project is committed to working towards safeguarding human rights for all peoples. Iran remained closed to independent human rights observers. The state of human rights in the islamic republic of iran has been criticized both by iranians and international human right activists, writers, and ngos. On sunday, march 5, a prisoner was hanged in maragheh prison on drugrelated charges, despite continued pressure from the international community to stop drugrelated charges from being an. In may, prominent kurdish human rights defender mohammad sediq kaboudvand, the former president of the human rights organization of kurdistan, embarked on a hunger strike in his ninth year of. The information provided by iran human rights monitor are in collaboration with. This timeline examines four decades of persecution of lawyers in iran. Dec 11, 2017 december 11, 2017 although iran previously counted on france and germany in the face of u. Country reports on human rights practices for 2017. Caught in a web of repression irans human rights defenders under attack amnesty international 6 1. This map lists the number of human rights cases being examined by the committee in 2017.

Executive summary the election of president hassan rouhani in 20 gave rise to hopes both in iran and internationally that the. It is a non partisan and politically independent organization with its base in oslo, norway. The appointment of individuals allegedly involved in grave human rights violations to ministerial posts attracted public criticism. Rouhani faces pressure to improve human rights in iran. Ihr was able to provide this report with the support of norwegian human rights fund. Since the submission of the report of the secretarygeneral to the thirtyfourth session of the human rights council, the application of the death penalty persisted at a high rate.

The iranian state continued to violate human rights during 2017. Its an honor to be here to formally release the 2017 country reports on human rights practices. Human rights situation in iran annual report 2016 3 figure 1. The center for human rights in iran formerly the international campaign for human rights in iran. It reflects investigative work that human rights watch staff undertook in 2016, usually in. The purpose of this event is to share news about the ongoing violations of human rights in iran. Human rights in iran fact sheet introduction after the revolution in 1979, which overthrew the pahlavi dynasty, an islamic republic was established in iran that concentrated all power in the hands of religious authorities. In 2017, we will continue to engage with our international partners to hold iran to. The government periodically reduced internet speed to discourage downloading material. Saudi arabia and iran, the two major opposing powers of the region, systematically silence dissident voices at home often resorting to executions while carrying out proxy wars outside their borders and arming parties who.